Trading domains at favorable rates.

Buying and selling domains is easier with DomainEasy. Buyers pay no commissions. Sellers pay no listing fees and low commissions. Leasing options make it even easier to trade domains that benefit everyone.


Buyers pay no commissions. They only pay for the price of the domain when they pay in full, up-front.

Domain purchase typeFees
Service fee based on lease period (as % of BIN)
0-12 MonthsNone
13-24 Months10%
25-36 Months20%
37-60 Months30%
Credit card transactions3.5%
Wire transfers$50 USD

* Buyers can purchase domains on a Lease-to-Own model with a payment plan. Payment plans allow buyers to start using the domain right away while paying off the balance over time, in up to 5 years.

For example, a $3,000 domain, purchased by a credit card on a 60-month lease plan, will cost the buyer $65 per month, plus credit card fees. Please note that not all domains are eligible for a payment plan.


There is no listing fee for domains. Sellers can offer their domains on a Buy Now, Make-an-Offer, or a Price Inquiry model. Sellers can also offer domains on a leasing plan. Regardless of the sale type, the platform commission for sellers is the same.

Sell Now or Lease by owner9%
Sell Now or Lease through brokerBroker-specified commission

If sellers choose to work with brokers, brokers will charge their own commission rates, which will override DomainEasy platform rates. Broker commission rates are posted to each broker’s account profile, and could be in the range of 9%-20%.

Leasing helps sellers earn more.

If sellers choose to work with brokers, brokers will charge their own commission rates, which will override DomainEasy platform rates. Broker commission rates are posted to each broker’s account profile, and could be in the range of 9%-20%.

Lease periodService fee to buyer
(Sellers earn 50%)
0-12 MonthsNone
13-24 Months10%
25-36 Months20%
37-60 Months30%